Do you have to print out your car insurance in Saudi?
In the not-so-distant past, whenever you renewed your car insurance, you’d get a nifty plastic card as proof of your coverage. This card had all the important details like the type of insurance (eg. comprehensive insurance or third-party) and contact info for the insurance company. But things have gone digital now! Saudi insurance companies have ditched the plastic cards and switched to digital copies that you can carry on your smart device. Cool, right? No more worrying about losing that card or adding yet another item to your wallet. But hold on, don’t leave it all up to technology! It’s still a good idea to print out your insurance proof and keep a physical copy in your car, just in case!
What’s proof of car insurance?
A car insurance proof is a document, either printed or digital, provided by insurance companies to demonstrate that you have valid insurance for your vehicle. It contains essential information such as the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), policy number, policy duration, type of insurance coverage, insurance company’s name, and the names of the insured drivers.
When should you present your car insurance proof?
Car insurance is mandatory in Saudi Arabia, and having valid insurance is necessary in the following situations:
- First, if a traffic cop asks for it. They want to make sure you’re following the rules, so they might request your insurance document during routine checks or if you get caught speeding or not wearing your seatbelt.
- Second, after an accident. The document is handy because it confirms that your car was insured at the time of the accident. It helps with the accident report and guides you in making a claim with the insurance company
Also, you’ll have to show that you have valid insurance when renewing vehicle registration, undergoing periodic inspections, and transferring ownership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
In general, digital formats of insurance documents are recognized as official and accepted proofs by government authorities. The relevant authorities can use the document number to verify its validity and easily access all necessary details. But, here’s a friendly tip: it’s always a good idea to print out your insurance document and keep it in your car. Better safe than sorry!
Why should you print your car insurance document?
Even though companies like Najm and others consider the electronic version of the insurance document as valid proof, we strongly recommend that all drivers go the extra mile and print a physical copy of their car insurance document to keep in their car. It’s like having cash in your wallet even though digital payment apps exist!
Printing a copy of your car insurance document is a smart precautionary measure. It ensures that you have it on hand whenever you need it, without relying solely on electronic devices or worrying about downloading documents. You don’t want to find yourself in a sticky situation when your phone battery dies or you lose your internet connection! Plus, if you share driving with someone else, having a printed backup copy in your car compartment makes it easy for any driver, no matter how tech-savvy they are (or aren’t!), to show the required documents hassle-free whenever needed. So, be proactive and get that insurance document printed!
How to print your car insurance proof from your phone
Step 1:
To print from your phone, make sure you have added a printer that can receive data over Wi-Fi or a mobile network.
Step 2:
Next, open the car insurance document you received through text messages or email after completing the payment process. If you can’t find it in your message inbox, you can download the document from your account on the insurance company’s website or a car insurance price comparison website.
Step 3:
To find the print option on your phone, tap the “Share” button or the “More” button, and then click on the “Print” button.
That’s it!
A backup offers convenience, security, and peace of mind
While it’s not legally required to print your car insurance document in Saudi Arabia as digital copies are accepted, it’s still a good idea to have a printed version. This way, you can avoid any technical glitches or issues that might arise with electronic devices. Remember to always check the expiration date of your insurance document, as driving without insurance is against Saudi traffic laws. If your car insurance is about to expire, take the opportunity to shop around and compare prices online. Visit a car insurance comparison website to get quotes from licensed insurance companies in Saudi Arabia.